CIS won't connect to the internet to activate

Hi! I recently purchased a subscription to CIS pro, and i’m having trouble on one of my computers. Everything that requires Comodo to access the internet gives me the error 12007, stating that it is unable to connect to the necessary server. I have been unable to activate it due to this error.
Here is what the error says exactly:

I am not connected to the internet via proxy/vpn, I am on a normal connection. I have not had this problem with either of my other computers. I am running Window 7, and while I have a guess at what it could be(I think it probably has something to do with a necessary port being closed), I would appreciate any and all help.

I can screencap whatever is necessary.

Welcom alfaDelta.
You included the installation option - Comodo DNS?
Try to use DNS from your ISP. (Disable DNS Comodo).

As another option - to clear the DNS cache.

As always make sure there are no leftovers of security programs you had installed in the past. A possible left over can cause all sort of “strange effects”. Please run clean up tools for all security programs you had in the past. A list can be found here at the Eset website: ESET Knowledgebase .