CIS updates with error 0x80030201 the file download was aborted abnormally

I found and downloaded cmd_fw_installer.exe for the stand-alone firewall. It installed like a charm! But as always, one item. According to Windows (10) Security, Windows Defender is still the firewall. Is there more I need to do or can I ignore? Thank you.

Just wanted to add when it failed it gave a message that the connection was gracefully closed so what ever it is, it seems to be on the actual download side when using the updater.

You leave the Windows Firewall Service alone as it is needed by Windows. The Firewall on your particular Network, you can shut off as shown

Thank you again Ploget. You are indeed a hero! (:CLP)

You’re very welcome :-TU

I tried updating from the previous CIS version to version but the update would fail at about 5% every time with the Error: 0x800704ca. The solution is to ADD the update server in the proxy and host settings and uncheck the rest.

then the program updates.

The solution is this

MOD EDIT: Correct link is:;msg904027#msg904027

That worked Very well.
Thank you!

Is it recommended to uncheck the update server afterwards, or keep as primary/default?

Thanks, again.

Please note, if you uncheck all the others and in the future there is then a problem with that server or it is busy you will not get any updates this will also affect load balancing.

Just add it at the top if you really need too, but leave the others.


This doesn’t help if you are not sure exactly to what they are referring to and how to precisely do it. However, that aside this exact update issue has occurred before a few versions ago. All of them are related to their host website. Assuming they should be working on the problem and hopefully in a few days it will work fine

I did grab the installer (for me its just the CIS firewall) but it mentions fully uninstalling before it will install the new version. I am not sure then if it will also keep my settings or if I would have to start that over from scratch?

Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to fix this, other than uninstalling and re-installing

This is the program updates, not the signatures, those work fine. It always stops at about 5.5% to 6.2%. Cache, temp files cleaned, folders are empty.

Is there perhaps a file in: C:\ProgramData\Comodo that needs to be deleted?

Windows 8.1 all updates installed
16 Gb Ram
1 TB SSD with 73 Gb Free

Many thanks in advance

My wife and I were struggling with this for a few days, and had not found anything that helped until your post. It worked great. Thank you.

I just updated my comodo internet security and for some reason get this error on checking updates.

Error: 0x80030201 - The file download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomplete.

U can try either doing what they say on this thread

Or do a clean install of CIS.


That worked perfectly, just saying thank you does not express the relief and gratitude I feel at not having to do a fresh install.

Glad it worked for ya.

:-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU

I can confirm that this indeed works! Finally managed to update. Cheers! :slight_smile:

Firewall Version 12.2.7037 Windows 10 Pro Versin 2004 (OS Build 19041.630)

For several days, Comodo continually shows a screen about an update, which it starts to install, and fails at 5.x%. Opening log files shows this error number each time.

Internet search for this error message shows only information from several years ago.

I split and merged all post on this issue, the fix would be to perform a clean re-install or as mentioned below to change the update server:

This would mean I need to backup the settings and do this. I read in older posts that its not a great idea to backup settings upgrading to a major new version.