CIS suddenly unable to activate

Hello community,

I am very despite since my Comodo IS actually looks unable to activate at starting W7.
I would break the W10 install and find an apps in a forum that make it possible.
Witch is there
Since I run it, I got some problems and CIS can’t run at start, diagnostic not running also.

More, this is break my connexion and I can(t recover it since I remove completly CIS.
I never see probleme like that, i hope that you could help on this.

Thank you

Am I understanding correctly that you cannot connect to the internet after you uninstalled CIS? Then the Inspect driver is still present and needs to be uninstalled.

How to uninstall the CIS firewall driver when it stays present? Look up the properties of the network connection, select the Comodo Firewall driver and uninstall it. See the attached image.