CIS Going Backwards in Win 7?

cis seems to be reverting back to old versions. it’s not remembering anything, its popping up constantly even when pc is idle for a while. strange errors too.

What version of Win 7 are you using? Working fine here on Win 7 RC (7100).

Is this Win 7 an upgrade installation or a clean one? Is CIS a clean install or an update install?

clean install of 7100. cis seems to be working like the older versions

seems to be working like the older versions

Could you provide some additional information please. CIS works fine with Windows 7, so the issues you are seeing may indicate problems elsewhere.

it acts like pre 509 build. too many pop ups, not remembering, etc.

also getting the guard64.dll error under security in event viewer

What kind of pop-ups?
Not remembering what, exactly?

also getting the guard64.dll error under security in event viewer

It’s a known issue.

too many pop ups for everything. just like previous versions. and it doesnt remember my answers from the pop ups

Well that’s another helpful answer!

CIS works very well with Windows 7, the new version released today, is even better. I have been using CIS with Windows 7 for several months now and there are, if anything, fewer pop-ups, than with previous versions. It also correctly remembers everything I ask it to.

With this in mind, I would say the problem lies with your configuration and not with the products.

If you require help, please be more specific.

Please respond to the question I asked in the above. We need input to be able to figure out what is happenig.

i configure it the same way everytime. to be specific would take too much time. i think what i have told you is enough. its back to being a major pain in the ■■■■

why is it when you download the 64 bit version of 3.10 its name says x32?