CIS blocks application-can't run with CIS installed.

mouse1, I am running XP x64, but the application is 32 bit. Thanks, John.

AH sorry yes re-read your earlier post.

Hmm 32 bit app 64 bit OS. Which guard gets used? Not sure - maybe someone will know.

Well if all is ok, then I’d leave it there. If you have any problems rename both guard32 and guard 64 in the relevant directories and the repair directory.

The devs are aware that the bug applies both to the 32 and 64 bit versions. They have come back to me regarding this bug, so hopefully this will be fixed in the next version, or the one after. (There is one in the pipeline currently, not sure whether its will prove too late to affect that one…)

Best wishes


mouse1, I agree it is time to move on. But I should point out that I renamed only guard32.dll and I was able to run the 32 bit application on my XP x64 system. Thanks, John.

That’s useful information, thanks Jon

Best wishes
