CIS blocking BOClean

Why is Comodo Firewall blocking Comodo BOClean from checking my Ram ? “see pic”, and how do allow BOClean to do its job please ?

Hallo C B,

These access are blocked by CIS self protection. You can safely ignore these log entries.

Hi gibran :slight_smile:

This may sound odd but if BOclean cant do its job because another Comodo product is stopping it how come CIS is not recognising a sister product ?

I assume that it’s only blocking the right to check CIS in memory ??


That log entry only means that BOclean was prevented from accessing CIS processes memory not all applications.
BOclean will still work fine.

So should i turn defence+ off ?

If it’s only blocking the acces to CIS, no, because Boclean will still work fine :slight_smile:



OK thanks eXPerience
