CIS causes System process Handle Leak [M1413]

Happy New Year.

I think you did something wrong back there. It could be triggered by Application Verifier or gflags-- it depends on what you did & you could freeze your computer if not utilized correctly. Additionally, you can’t just use WinDbg because it will not work (eg due anti-debugging mechanisms = to avoid reverse engineering). (Instead you should create dumps and that’s why I suggested that.)
Try undoing the guide. Otherwise, something else did happen and you were unlucky. Really sorry for your troubles. :slight_smile:

Rolled back to v8.
Same issue happens. I guess is somewhat related to the COMODO services that won’t start.
Somehow, something got broken on that WinDbg attach to process.

Uninstalled COMODO on this machine and I’m now using another software.
I’ll continue to use COMODO on other machine.

Please check with thanks.