Chrome not loading web pages

Many websites and webpages do not load now, ever since i’ve installed Comodo Firewall. I’ve never had this problem before installing it, so the firewall must be the cause. The odd thing is, sometimes they will load (but mostly not). Also sometimes when the pages do load, the images do not.

The recurring error is: Page not found - connection failure

I assume it’ll be something basic like some settings i’ve overlooked, but i can’t seem to figure it out.
Any suggestions on what i can do to fix it?

Sounds like it’s more an issue of DNS troubles than a firewall issue. Did you opt to install SecureDNS?

I believe i did… Would this be the cause, or would it help?

Probably the cause. It’s blocking stuff for you.

Try going back to your previous DNS setup and see if things improve.

Comodo Secure DNS: Enable & Disable Information

Weird, i’m positive i installed secureDNS, but the ip addresses for my DNS were still set to ‘obtain automatically’, so i switched them to manual ones that comodo supplies. That still didn’t work well (still blocking lots of stuff), then set them to ‘obtain automatically’ again. After that it seems to be working properly again.

Thanks for your help HeffeD! wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.
Will be sure to return if the problem comes back again :wink:
