
Hi, I am a new member and was wondering if anyone could help with the following message,“A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:\windows\Installer\CFP_Setup.msi”, then, “Fatal error during Installation”.
Kinda hoping someone else has encountered this and remedied it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Cathal,

Welcome to the forums!

Did you start the installer from a network share? or from a local disk?
You need to run it from a local disk.

Thank you for the very prompt reply Ronny.

Single PC in the home - local disk, certainly not a network share. Could there be an outside influence effecting this state e.g. virus?

Thanks again,

23.05 here - off to my bed zzzzzzzz.


Hi Cathal. Have you used the correct installer. 32bit or 64bit? Kind regards.

Help me here please Captain … how do I work that out?


Hi. Right click the setup file, go to Properties, General and see if it is x64 for 64 bit OS, or x86 which is 32bit OS. I guess you know which OS you have, if not go to Control Panel, System and it will show you the system type. Hope this helps.
Edit- The Setup file might even have x86 or x64 after its name.

I’m getting the same thing. The install appears to have completed and then this error pops up. I’ve tried both the 32/64-bit and the 32-bit only installers on a 32-bit Win XP Pro machine with the same results

For problems with Windows installer you can use Windows Installer Clean Up utility.

This tool cleans up all traces of installers of installed applications that used Windows installer from your computer. It will allow you to run an (un)installer where it was getting blocked because it couldn’t find a needed file or says the products is already installed.

This tool does not uninstall a program it only removes information about a program’s installer.

Thanks for sharing this option EricJH I’ve never heard of this tool before :-TU :wink:

It’s a friend in need when dealing with broken installer information with installations done with Windows Installer.

Hey Eric, using the Windows Installer Clean Up Utility to remove Comodo Firewall from the installed programs list did the trick. Thanks!

I have the same problem - I want to uninstall Comodo Firewall, but there is no such item in Comodo’s Start Menu folder.

If I attempt to uninstall from Control Panel, I get a message that CFP_Setup.msi is missing. I’ve search for that file on all my partitions and it doesn’t exist.

The suggestion of using Windows Installer Clean Up utility doesn’t quite apply, because Comodo Firewall is actually installed. I tried stopping its service, but then new connections from applications weren’t previous authorized, kept failing.

I’ve also downloaded the Comodo Firewall installer but when trying to install it (in hope it would fix whatever’s wrong that I can’t uninstall), it complained that the following list of incompatible software is installed:

• COMODO Internet Security 5.x

So two questions:

  1. Why doesn’t Comodo Firewall come with a normal uninstaller, like most other Windows applications?
  2. How do I uninstall Comodo Firewall?

Comodo Firewall comes with an uinstaller.

Did you clean the “c:\Windows\Installer” folder in an attempt to save hard disk space? That could cause installers and uninstallers using Windows/MSI installer to fail.

Best thing to do in your situation is to boot into safe mode and run the clean up tool. Then boot back in Windows and run the Windows Installer Clean Up utility and see if there is a reference to Comodo Firewall. If there is remove it. Then try again.

Keep us posted.