Can't get updates for Comodo 3.0 to download

:frowning: I’m new to COMODO 3.0. It has worked great for several days now. I have updates to download, BUT
cant get them. I get an error message that states I don’t have enough hard disk space, when in fact I have
37 Gig. Error 102: Update could not be completed. Not able to create a temporary file on disk, please check there is enough hard disk space.

Anyone else seen this??? Can someone assist me?

Try doing a complete uninstall and reinstall of Comodo. Use Revo Uninstaller in advanced mode and when Comodo says reboot, dont and delete all registry and program entires then reboot. Install Comodo 329.

Thanks Vettetech… I’ll give it a shot. The App. did updated once or twice after initial install. I believe it is at
ver 329… something like 3.0.2x.329??? I think, I’ll check it tonight and run with your suggestions. Thanks!
PS - I opened a support ticket and last thing I was told was to shut down Defense+…? I know it is COMODO’s version of an IPS, but isn’t that some of the beauty of the product? I’m sure the firewall portion will still function fine. Right now, when I check for updates… it says there are none. Oh well. I’ll keep an eye on it.

thanks again for your help. I’ll try it tonight.