Cannot uninstall comodo ICS 10 Free

Interesting stuff.

I tried installing Comodo ICS Free, and it failed towards the end of the installation. Well sort of.

When I start Windows 7, a window pops up and tells me that Comodo failed to start, I click on that tool and the tools gets back to me with “No problems detected”

Problem is that, although I have no other firewall, and the Windows Firewall is disabled, something blocks my connections to the Internet. Only thing that works is Internet Explorer (!!!) I suppose that is Comodo that blocks my connections

So I have tried uninstalling it - from the Uninstall/Remove Control Panel. And it stays, it stays, it stays - two days of waiting an program still tells me “Uninstalling”.

I am trying to reinstall - big, fat chance, as the program tells me that “Cannot connect to install server” - true! Internet Connections are blocked.

Anybody has any suggestions? At this point I would like to manually remove it. Or at least disable it, so it does not attempt to restart at Windows startup.

Thank you.

Open network and sharing center, change adapter settings, then open a network adapter properties and select comodo internet security firewall driver and click uninstall, then reboot. Then uninstall via programs and features and reboot. Then run removal .bat tool via run as administrator, reboot when finished.

Thank you! I will try it as soon as I am home!

Step 1 remove driver - that one was successful. Rebooted, now I have control over my computer again. Yay!
Step 2 remove via uninstall - that one never ends (like before).

“Please wait while the Setup Wizard removes Comodo Internet Security” - and the Status bar is colored to the end in blue, but basically I just sit and wait, and wait, and wait - the Setup never ends.

Any other suggestions?


Then just use the previously mentioned removal tool and reboot when it finishes.