Cannot fix installed at risk CIS HELP!

So it all started with defense+ not working correctly. My Emisoft Anti-malware scanner detected Prividog and I quarantined it without thinking. When I realized that was the problem with CIS I restored the files. Didn’t help so I figured a fresh install might. Tried that but it’s saying to uninstall current CIS something about windows update .net framework
4.5 and how my laptop cannot be rolled back to previous state without damage. I’m attaching a CIS report hoping someone can help.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Please try reinstalling CIS by following the advice I give in this post and let me know if it helps.

Also, is that Emsisoft Antimalware Free which you have on your system or is this the paid version?


after posting this and before I read your reply I was able to l successfully uninstall CIS I thought. . later realized there still are almost 3,000 files in my computer under the name of Comodo so apparently I didn’t but I will check out your reply and hope for the best and yes I’m using the free version of Emisoft

Doesnt sound good.