C_powershell.exe .ps1 question

i don’t know if it’s related to windows update,
but since i had one yesterday i thought it might be related,and i only got the notification about the application contained today(a day after).

and since C_powershell.exe .ps1 got contained,there might be a good reason for it.(when looking up on google i saw there was a powersell.exe malware(fileless exploits).

so what you’re saying is that i can delete the content of tmpscrpt folder and/or remove it from the blocked application and that’s it?

how can i see the origin of why this script was created;
in this thread for example https://forums.comodo.com/
the person managed to track it to a certain software, but all i get buy opening it in note pad or PS is -ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Command Write-Host ‘Final result: 1’; as stated above.