BSOD Occurs If Malware Process Killed When Sdbxd As Partly Limited [M836]

Is this another sample which causes the same type of BSOD as what this report was originally created for?

No, this is not a sample is a tool to kill malware and delete it without emergence of the blue screen

Okay, so what you are saying is that the sample you provided in the first post causes a BSOD. However, the sample you linked to in your previous post is able to do the same thing, but not cause a BSOD. Is that correct?


This tool is an anti-malware causing blue screen

And also this tool removes the injuries caused by the malware in the first topic

At this moment the best information I have seems to indicate that the devs are able to confirm this BSOD. Thus, hopefully this can be fixed within the next few updates.


Once again the blue screen show

Thanks for letting me know the BSOD still occurs. Hopefully this will be fixed with the next release.

Hi SD Ahmad,

Devs have marked this issue as “Fixed”. Please verify.


Issue has been resolved :-TU

Thank you for checking this. As this is now fixed on your computer I will move this bug report to Resolved.

Thanks again.