Blocked files in Defense+

hi,i have a question.The defense+ module had blocked file CCleaner.exe which i use for cleaning PC.The target file is in Temp directory to C: part.What does it mean?Does it mean that CCleaner haven’t deleted that Temp file?

What was the exact wording of the message? Can you take a screenshot?

i found it in “Defense+ events”.Program-c:\program files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe
Flags -blocking file
Target -c:\Documents and settings\User2\Local Settings\Temp~nsu.temp\Fu_exe
Data -03.11.2012
That is the event.How to deal with it?

There is nothing in the default installation that should be blocking this.

Have you set up any folder protections on your documents folder or block rules specific to CCleaner?

no,i haven’t done nothing at all,just default installation without any restriction made by me.Probably there is a bug in my system,some kind of malware that made those changes.Could i delete from the list this restriction?

Which restriction? If there is something in your rules that is blocking it, then yes, remove it.

ok,i’ll see the settings and if there are any changes will remove.Thanks for advices