Beginner needs a little help

Heya… (:WAV)

I’m a bit stuck on configuring Comodo to let me use Azureus, every time i run Azureus my Internet screws up and wont let me connect to any thing.

There was a post i read about doing this but its for the old version of Comodo and I’m not bright enough to work it out for myself. ha! (:SAD)

So if anyone can help me out ill be very grateful!!!

Windows XP, Comodo version with BOClean



I know practically very very little about firewalls, and installed Comodo version

Just installed it, and as pop ups started I allowed them (read first what the pop up says (:NRD)

I use utorrent/emule blabla…I just marked to remember my decision and ALLOW and…that’s it.

I installed the firewall without Defense +.

utorrent and emule work perfect.

In other words, do not touch or start creating rules or adding ports blabla. Give it a try.
Good luck :■■■■