Backup very slow

I’ve recently installed Backup (v4.3.5.2) and started to backup to the online storage (I don’t need local backups).

Firstly, it is exceptionally slow and seems to stick when it reaches the point when the message in the bottom box says ‘processing data to be uploaded’. I had previously been using Sugarsync and the same folders took a few moments to upload. At this rate it will take hours though. It’s not my bandwidth or upload speed, they’re fine, so why is it so slow?

Secondly, I’ve tried to back up folders but all it does is copy the mother folder but nothing inside it. Does this mean I’ve got to back up every file individually? That would be ridiculous!

I have just installed Backup 4.3.5 on Windows 8.1, on a new 10GB account. It will not back up anything except the folder structure, and has currently been stuck at “Creating initial directory structure…” for an hour.

I actually can’t upload anything at all (apart from empty folders!) into this account, even using the web app. My 50MB test file appears to go through the upload process OK, reaching 100%, at a reasonable upload rate, but at the end I just get the message “Upload failed”, with no explanation.

I just thought I would let Comodo know, it’s no big issue for me, I’ll just go back to another cloud storage provider.

Yes JMWard, if this can’t be sorted easily I’ll do the same thing. I’m afraid if it doesn’t work first time I can’t be bothered to mess about with it - and this definitely doesn’t work first time.

On top of that I can’t get to grips with all the options; cCloud, cDrive, Backup, Online Storage (none of which seem to work together). And logins to one part don’t seem to work for another - I’ve lost count of how many times it’s asked me to login. Considering Comodo say this is simple to use I’m just glad they haven’t launched one that’s difficult! Perhaps it’s me but this seems like a lesson in how to make a simple task complicated.


We experienced some heavy load issues on December 21st, now all should work fine. Please try again.
