Backup software does not write to dvd

I’m having problems with an new instalallation of you Comodo Backup software.

I’ve been able to install without any problems.

When trying to backup data to a DVD, it appears to be that the writer is not able to erase the DVDRW disc before he starts the actual data backup.

Before using this software, the customer manually backupd this data with Roxio software.

I find it really strange that this is not working, because theire is no error what so ever and the log file is completely empty.

How can I troubleshoot this issue?

is no-one able to help me with this?

Hello Saphico,

It seems there’s a problem with DVD support:

We hope it’ll be fixed in the next release, can you help us with the technical datas, please?
Operating system+user rights, DVD hardware name, DVD disk name/type, etc.


os= windows xp sp2
user rights: full administrator


Reason: Out-Dated post.
