I keep getting this error for a file not found or copied at 99%.
Have I done something wrong…
do I need to make a full copy first and can I still use simple copy, or do have to use CBU.
What file is it searching for…
At 99%, the program will not shutdown after backup…which is what I want for automated backups.
In that instance, “file” meant a missing registry key.
Were there any other error codes? Were there any file names mentioned in the error logs?
P.S. I’m going away tomorrow for about 12 days and will only have intermittent internet access. I’ll check when I can fro a reply but may not be able to respond immediately.
I will map drive to see if that helps…and will read link you provided.
I wanted to get you the log file (below)…lots of unable to process stream items…but when looking at the actual backup, I see no problem with the files.
Do I need to delete all of these files listed. Some are new Excel files
BTW…getting the 67 error on two different machines, both running Win7,64b.
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Initiating incremental backup …
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Connecting to destination network computer…
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Collecting source information…
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Total items found is 173. Total size is 776 MB
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Collecting destination information…
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Total items found is 146. Total size is 776 MB
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Comparing information…
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Comparing incremental information…
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Starting incremental backup…
27.03.2014 09:11:22 Creating initial directory structure…
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Processing items…
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Desktop\Reference PDF’s\Parker Fittings-Push to Connect.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Documents\Holland BOLO.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Desktop\Reference PDF’s\Woods Flexible Cplgs.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Documents\Credit App.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Documents\Fax Cover Sheet.docx:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\1098-T_for_Ricky.tiff:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:24 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\Cassandra Massey (1).vcf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Desktop\Reference PDF’s\Motor Frame Sizes.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Documents\Job Record 313039.docx:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\Invoice-38171-McCray, Stacie.htm:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Documents\Internal Grinding Manual Page.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\MISysInstallationGuide60.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\1098-T_for_Ricky (1).tiff:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Documents\12-07-13-totalgrinding-2.jpg:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Documents\19024 Keller 3 Proof1.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\PsychRetirement2014 Save the Date.doc:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\capbudg.xls:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\FM-13805_EASYBAND400.docx:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\misysmfg.exe:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\Invoice-38465-McCray, Stacie.htm:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\Cassandra Massey.vcf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\qw4setup.exe:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\ufw1984-2.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\MyNetViewFull_1_0_12_0.zip:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\RE Alloy Carbide lunch.eml:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\TeamViewer_Setup_en.exe:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\UT_PCE_AC68_2054.zip:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\wd_discovery_windows.zip:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\RE Alloy Carbide lunch.eml:OECustomProperty:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:25 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\Stacie\Downloads\WD_SmartWare_Installer_2.3.0.20.zip:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
27.03.2014 09:11:27 An error occurred during backup
27.03.2014 09:11:27 Processed 776 MB (262 MB/s)
27.03.2014 09:11:27 Backup failed with code 67 (File not found).