AMTSO tests [merged topic]

My computer failed numbers 4 and 5. Is that the fault of my Comodo set up or because Comodo antivirus just failed numbers 4 and 5?

I’m using CIS 6.1 and I ran the tests offered at the AMTSO site here: All but one test failed.

Will cloud protection and better malware detection be available for the future, as these tests didn’t make me feel very protected.

Also, will there be a feature to scan incoming and outgoing emails in Microsoft Outlook?

According to the web site Comodo does not support both.

When I download the cloudcar.exe file for the cloud protection test CIS does not detect it. However upon execution it gets caught. See image.

Comodo strongly believes that network and other shields are not necessary. When the malware gets caught when it is written to disk or when it is being loaded into memory it is still on time. That’s where Comodo checks.

CIS its self does not provide anti phishing filtering but Comodo Secure DNS does. However that does not detect the test page.

[attachment deleted by admin]

When I download the cloudcar.exe file for the cloud protection test CIS does not detect it. However upon execution it gets caught. See image.

Comodo strongly believes that network and other shields are not necessary. When the malware gets caught when it is written to disk or when it is being loaded into memory it is still on time. That’s where Comodo checks.

Also, will there be a feature to scan incoming and outgoing emails in Microsoft Outlook?
Don't expect it. See the above.

Please also read CIS 6 Realtime Protection doesn’t protect against Eicher test Virus in firefox for reference on how and why Eicar detection works differently among browsers and with CIS.

You are still protected if the virus hits memory or hard disk. On top of that the default deny/sandbox will keep malware at bay even when the malware is unknown.

Run these five tests AMTSO Security Features Check Tools - AMTSO :slight_smile:

Yes. 4 caught by CIS av and the phishing page blocked by AVG Linkscanner.

This does not appear to be a very real-world test. I wouldn’t be worried about the results.

Maybe not but it does show how good the user is being protected against some “safe” directed tests. :slight_smile:

I found the phishing page misleading as its not a phishing page as such, I have protection its just doesn’t have this ‘safe’ page or site on its black list as its not malicious, I think they need to fix the message on the page to reflect this situation, just because you can read the page doesn’t mean you failed the test.

The cloud test had me worried for a moment, then CAV kicked in and detected the file…lol…so was just a delay in the cloud look up, so all good after all :-TU

Thanks for sharing the AMTSO test, was interesting to test CIS against it and see how it fairs :slight_smile:

Instantaneous reaction.1/2/3/5. :-TU
Only 4 (But this is not for the CIS).
CIS5.10. The analysis in the cloud is turned off. DNS Comodo off.