Alternative update for linux systems without X windows


I have installed the comodo anti virus gateway as a mailscanner. With a bit of fooling around i got it installed and working under slackware. But… How do i update the virus definition.

It requires some X modules to be loaded, but i dont have X installed on the server nor do i have any system with X Windows installed.

How do i update the virus database… Is there a manual script somewhere?

Would love to start using this software but first i really need to update it.

With kind regards,
Marco Sevriens

Hi Marco,
U can use definition file on linux to update Win version (I do this everyday)
copy “C:\Program Files\Comodo\COMODO Internet Security\scanners\b0016508.cav” (depending on update the name of file is changing with every update which shows the version of definition file)
to /opt/COMODO/scanner/
remove or rename olde on
sudo mv base.cav base.cav.old
and replace by new one (from Win)
sudo mv b0016508.cav base.cav
change base.cav owner:
sudo chown root base.cav
and change file permission:
sudo chmod 644 base.cav
and then restart comodo’s services:
sudo /etc/init.d/cmdmgd restart
sudo /etc/init.d/cmdavd restart
and finally restart COMODO GUI

Thank you for the answer…

I don’t know if this will be the answer for my situation, where we want the virus definition to be as up to date as possible to catch the most zero day exploits. So i dont know if copying it from windows is a good idea as we want to update every hour of the day.

Let’s hope comodo releases some command line tools to do an update.

With kind regards