Active Directory 2003 server sp2 terminal service server and domain controller

Hello from Russia!

I have several problems with win 2003 server sp2 & comodo

Computer used as terminal service server and also as domain controller. When i try to add a new user into AD users and computers comodo blocks connection. No logs in journal, no message boxes.only turning off application monitor and reboot helps me.

PS: making rules for AD while u use comodo is not an easy job. May be some one can post some basic rules for application such as svchost, winlogon, lserver… if no one can, may be i ll be the first, if i fix this problem :slight_smile:


-application monitor
-tcp\udp in\out
-service lsass.exe
-parent winlogon.exe
-ports all

is it safe to use such ip making rules for local host or for server local ip cant help me.