Active Connection

only in windows 7 x64 when install Comodo, active connection shows all the active connection, each time I install any update for windows, it will stop show the connections, I have to uninstall Comodo and install it again to see the active connections
only when install new updates,

no such a problem in windows XP

any clues? or it is my windows?

Can you provide with all information as described in IMPORTANT: HOW TO SUBMIT BUGS (read this if you want them fixed). This will help the devs to reproduce the problem.

1- I’ve LG RD580-K.ADB4AE8 :smiley:
2- win 7 64bit with latest updates
3- just Microsoft office, Comdo,and messengers yahoo and MSN:)
4- no connections in the active connection after installing an update for windows
5- uninstall Comodo and reinstall it
6- safe mode , with some blocked apps
7- no
8- admin

I hope it will help :slight_smile: