accessibility for blind users

I can help you right now, I am online. We can use teamviwer.

OK, i’m gonna install TeamViewer. Hopefully it’s accessible to screen-reader programs.

Hello all. I tried doing the steps that were given to me. It still didn’t read the interface. I restored the file back to it’s original name, and then it started to affect my whole computer. It kept putting NVDA in the sandbox and my computer was nearly becoming inaccessible. I decided to uninstall it from my PC again. I hope NVDA gets added to the list of safe Apps. I was really hoping this would work. I’m trying not to stress over this since I just had a laser procedure done a few days ago.

Hey windows7 and warm welcome.

could you provide the d+ event, if it’s possible?

i dont think he will be able to since his screen reader is being blocked. im thinking that its unknown and its sandboxed which causes it to not function correctly. i will submit it to be trusted. if windows7 did everything correctly nvda should work after its trusted

I also hope that once it gets added to the list of safe Apps, that it will finally be able to read the interface. Currently, if I try opening the interface, it just says Comodo Internet Security. Pane. I cannot do anything. I can’t read the security status, I can’t navigate anywhere with in the application. I was told that it has no keyboard navigation and only use with the mouse. Everything that I do on my computer is all with my keyboard.