updates due on 15th Feb, 2007

Try a clean install.May solve the problem.

when polish version?

Smooth update, absolutely fantastic! Nice job ppl! ;D


I have similar issue when running some kind of terminal services using XP-Pro. The second or third (and subsequent) user log-on with have all firewall states turned off. there was even a popup windows (by CPF) saying there was a problem with the CPF installation and reinstalling may help. I tried but the problem remains.

The terminal service was WinConnect ServerXP 2.00.204 by thinSoftinc

Might check out this one: https://forums.comodo.com/index.php/topic,7036.0.html Roy found that by turning off XP’s Fast User Switching and using the Classic logoff interface (similar to W2K) the problem went away.


Hey umesh,

I hope things are going on their ways well. However, i wonder if you can fix the Hungarian help chm’s menu problems: ű (which is displayed as u") and ő (displayed as o") characters. Thanks!
