updates due on 15th Feb, 2007

Hi Guys,
Just to inform before updates go live. Following are the changes:

  • Help is updated
  • German translaton is updated

So only help file is going to be there as update, update size will be around 4MB.
For existing German language users, resource dlls are updated and update size will be (10+4)MB


why isn’t the dutch translation updated?? I believe a lot of minor/major language errors are already fixed, but you can’t download it…

thanks link french ?? http://download.comodo.com/cpf/download/setups/release/CFP_Setup_English_2.4.18.184.exe

Both of my pc’s with CPF updated today. Both are now BSOD. Continual rebooting, unable to enter safe mode. I had to reformat both computers. Is this anything to do with the updates - seems odd as the two computers are not connected.


Hi Anderow,

I have the same problem as you discribed. Computer is running well for a long time,then shutting down and reboot after reboot… Updated CPF just today!

I thought it might be something else,but after a complete recovery of the computer it ran like hell. Checking everything over and over,try and error. Then updated CPF and there it was again! Shutting down and reboot after reboot… It almost drove me crazy (:AGY)

Then i began blaming CPF and the update. Recovered the computer again,it ran as normal. Updated CPF,and yes… Here we go again! I am now very sure that the update causes the problem,and i won’t update til problem is solved.

Please Comodo,can you investigate this issue? I am very pleased whith your software and i want to use it a bit longer…

Thanks in advance.


For those who have the BSOD can you upload the minidump folder, so it can be analysed by the development team to help find the problem?



as usual, im having no hassles. (:WAV) (R)
updated from the FW gui, rebooted, working fine.

Thanks for the info Umesh, I was wondering what was updated in that update I just received :slight_smile:

No problems here with version Everything is running just fine.


I have to confess that i am a real rookie in this…

All my posts on the problem with the CPF-update,you can throw them away.
After another shutdown and reboot after reboot,and recover again.without any update,i am confused. Very confused!

I think now,that the Antivirus Beta 1.1 might be the problem. But i am not going to say anything more about it,cause i am a rookie on this. And its beter to keep quiet for a wile… (:SAD)

Sorry for the hassle and my comments may be removed,if the Mod wants it.


It’s more than likely Comod Antivirus/spyware (CAVS) 1.1 that is causing you the problems. The next stable release of CAVS fingers crossed will be available before too long. The latest beta is quite stable, currently Comodo Team ironing out issues with HIPS etc…

CPF working well as always for me, even after update!


I’ve been experiencing the same problems. My computer this morning is constantly rebooting and will not load to the desktop. I accessing the forums from a public library, as my computer is in the repar shop getting fixed. This is all due to the update that Comodo provided yesterday to CPF Pro. I’m soarly disappointed that I had to fork out money to have my computer repaired due to a corrupted file that Comodo provided. I’ll be sending the bill of to Comodo to reimburse for the cost of having my computer repaired.

Soarly disappointed,


I updated yesterday just fine, though I still wish there was a least a prompt to give an option prior to automatically downloading it.

Everything as usual. no problems here.

Harry (:CLP)

Let me know how that goes, considering you agreed to the EULA and all that before you installed the firewall.

Perhaps if you need to send the machine out to a third-party to have it repaired, you should not be mucking around with installing firewalls.



I think I have discovered a bug on the latest release (likely not related to help text update, but I had not updated before this version). Bug appears as Comodo Firewall going to off-state when changing user logged in, with only recovery through rebooting the system.

I already wrote a description of this to other thread I found when trying to see if anyone else has same issue: https://forums.comodo.com/index.php/topic,6389.msg48098.html#msg48098

Sorry for reporting this same thing twice, but my first contribution went under a topic that may not exactly describe the issue.

Play nice kiddies. We all have unique systems, unique levels of experience, unique perspectives and unique opinions. Please respect each other.

Hi Mike6688

I would love to be able to send you a mini dump folder to analyze but I could not even access anything on my machine. See the posts on
Comodo Forum.


Strange. I had a window pop up telling me a update was available and would I like to download it at this time. I choose yes, it downloaded and installed while I was reading messages here in the forums. NO reboot no hassle. Sooo EASY.
Just gotta love Comodo. (:CLP)

(B) Lee


I’ve been very satisfied using CFP, but after the latest udates (15 feb) it seems loading webpages is much much slower than before. Anyone else experienced this?