make it easier to uninstall Comodo products

Please make it easier to uninstall Comodo products! I like your products, but when my computer had a connection problem, I tried to uninstall all security program I had, to see if I could then connect.

Well, I tried to uninstall CFP3 (the normal way, by going in Vista to Programs and Features and uninstalling), but after a reboot, CFP3 was still there in the tray. So I had to delete CFP’s files manually. grrrrrrrr (:AGY)

Just run this tool, it should delete all remains


I mean Comodo should uninstall itself easier, without having to use some tool.

Well in CIS, there is a good uninstaller. There were no leftovers on my pc


Hmmm…I think maybe I had tried to uninstall earlier, but it didn’t uninstall good. So the CFP tray icon wasn’t there, but Comodo was running.

Then my friend, who was trying to fix my computer, tried to uninstall CFP again but it didn’t work (so then he thought that Comodo was another one of those AV companies that make it very hard to uninstall their products :frowning: ).


In my case there is no Comodo Firewall entry is left in the “Add or Remove programs” list. I have learnt from the forums discussions that others had the same problem. Sometimes the uninstaller disappears completely or the remove button disapears.

So, like many other programs, please create a really effective uninstaller that completely uninstalls.

In my case it is not that I want to get rid of Comodo, but I have to unistall and reinstall to delete it because Comodo keeps blocking an important program although I have given it trusted status through “Define trusted application” and this is confirmed in the “Computer Security Policy” list.

And many people have great difficulties with uninstalling Comodo Firewall. This is giving Comodo a really bad reputation on the Internet and many are warning for using Comodo. This must be high priority.

PS. Pandolouk posted a standalone uninstall in the FAQ forum, as an attachment, but this attachment is no more availble.

If CIS can’t/won’t uninstall, see these topics:

I agree - PLEASE MAKE AN EFFECTIVE STANDALONE UNINSTALLER DOWNLOADABLE! Then please notify all users about it via email or an update message with “uninstall” in the wording. I quit updating my CFP program because the last time I allowed it to update, it shut down my whole computer and then I was unable to effectively uninstall all of it and encountered many of the same problems as others, including losing my internet connection. It took a full day to try to reinstall and get everything back to where I could function with it. NOW, everytime the bubble pops up to tell me of an update, once a day usually. I click the CLOSE (X) immediately. Who needs a firewall that they cannot safely and effectively update or even uninstall and stilll have an operating computer.

Please come up with a downloadable stand alone program that completely uninstalls everything without needing extra tools and/or manual removal of entries and files. After all these months of endless problems from everyone writing in on this forum, you still have not presented people with an easy and effective way to uninstall. You most definitely are ruining your reputation. Most software programs come with a separate uninstall program.

If one is not made available, I will never download anything from Comodo again and will tell my experience throughout the internet forums, etc., warning others not to ever take this bait and switch deal that you offer for “Free.” Yeah free to be forever tied to a firewall that you cannot risk even downloading updates to. Thanks . M.

You can get the tool from here:;msg259617#msg259617 .