How To Know if a site has signed up with AdTrustMedia

I’d like to know how I can find out if I site has already signed up with AdTrustMedia.

If some of my favorite sites haven’t yet signed up, I’d like to send them an email letting them know of the opportunity. However, I’d rather not do this if they’ve already signed up.

So how can I find this out?

My guess would be if all ads are blocked by PrivDog with no AdTrustMedia (AT-MAd) replacement ads, then they probably have not signed up.
I imagine once they have signed up that a replacement ad is added almost immediately.
When the ‘Deliver trusted ads’ setting is selected.
Edit: Corrected spelling.

I was under the impression that ads from AdTrustMedia are placed on the site regardless of whether the site has signed with AdTrustMedia or not. Thus, until they do sign up none of the ad revenue gets to them.

Am I wrong in my understanding?

TBH I am not sure sorry, your understanding may very well be more accurate than my understanding.
Yes it would be good to know for certain.

No 3rd party ads are let thru to our users.
allowing 3rd party ad servers connect to our users is a risk we are not prepared to take.

so all ads are served from adtrustmedia network.

there is no indicator indicating that they signed up at the moment. but its a problem we will add to our list of things to work out…maybe a site seal or something on a site saying their ads are protected by privdog etc…

we can give them 5 bone rating etc :slight_smile:

So does that mean that for a site to receive any money from the ads provided through PrivDog they cannot use ads from other ad networks as well?

For example, if a site has a deal with Google ads do they have to drop that in order to receive any ad revenue they lost from users using PrivDog?

They can have both.
Privdog is about creating a better system, not limit them.

That’s great to hear. ;D

I’m really starting to like this new tool. Unless my test-drive of it turns up problems I’m planning on soon recommending it as a replacement for AdBlockPlus in my article here.

Thanks a lot for your response, and keep up the great work. :-TU

Thank you!

We really think PrivDog is a genius solution for our privacy…I do mean it.

The cute little fellow is definitely the sliced bread of advertising control IMO. :-TU

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Indeed…Advertising world is not just limited to ads…there are many other areas where your details are “leaking”…PrivDog will fix it all.