Here's a Unofficial and Non-supported Portable icedragon

removed due to comodo created a portable installer besides this was one of the first versions of it and improved since then :slight_smile:

tks !

gonna check it, and check too with a sandbox to see what it uses on reg part


Downloaded and extracted the *.rar file. Upon startup from a flash drive, besides leaving changed or added registry entries, it also sets the profile directory and cache directories onto the C:\ drive specifically:

C:\Documents and Settings"username"\Application Data\Comodo
C:\Documents and Settings"username"\Local Settings\Application Data\Comodo\

These are not removed at shutdown as an actual portable app will do.

I have waited for an portable IceDragon and will have to continue waiting.

It was worth a shot and I appreciate your trying, but for all the changes made to the system it may as well be installed to the C:\ drive.

I’m personally using another FF derivitive “PaleMoon Portable” which uses much less memory than FF.

An official IceDragon portable version will be available in the next release.
Thank you for your support.