Craving for Connectivity


Craving connectivity with content or with other people?

Man is a social animal and the internet, at times, can be an anti-social mechanism (can we all spell f-a-c-e-b-o-o-k?). Google “pecha kucha”, now there’s a means of combining connectivity with content AND with people.

Ewen :slight_smile:

i agree that the reason why we connect is so that we can exchange content. I think the way we are “socialising” is changing…


Regardless of whether it’s easier to connect, is it a better method of connection? While I can stay in more constant contact with my family electronically, intermittent, but physical contact, is more valued.

Thinking a bit deeper, this may vary the value that we place on the content depending one the connection method (that which we attain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly). Does this tie back into the degree of trust we all place in electronic connections?

Thanks for stirring the grey matter again Melih.

Ewen :slight_smile:

very valid point about the method of connection. Until we invent a comparable connectivity that we do with electronically for us to do physically, i suspect we will take the easy way out and use the electronic connectivity. Wouldn’t it be nice to press a button and be connected phsyically, in person, with multiple people at the same time, just like we can with electronically. Until then, i guess the current method will be what we choose.

Content is the big thing, as you said we attain too cheaply and esteem too lightly, even though it is everything we rely upon! I mean no more 5 senses! The only thing you have is a"pixel", thats it! That is why I think its important to put some sort of authentication layer on that content, now that we are relying on it.
