'Home' button om MacBook Air?

Hi all,

I have difficulties in finding the ‘Home’ key to start my Time Machine Console during my system startup. I use a Macbook Air and I only run Windows 7 on it (which means I have formatted my hard drive and have erased the whole Mac OSX system).

I have not found a ‘Home’ key on my MacBook Air keyboard, so I do not know how can I trigger the console. I have tried the ‘Fn+Left arrow’ combination but it did not worked; my system simply ignored this and directly jumped to Windows 7.

Can anyone please help me?



maybe try control+fn+left arrow

EDIT: every i read it says fn+left arrow, maybe CTM isnt detecting it as the home key.

Thanks wasgij6, but Control+fn+left arrow still did not work with me. Again, my computer just directly entered Windows 7. I need more help on this, thanks!

Hi tiffany.s,
Have you tried Command+left arrow?
or Function+right arrow?

Also this page might help for the future.

Thanks captainsticks, I tried Cmd+ left arrow, Fn+ right arrow (and Option + left arrow as well) just now but they still won’t work. Can you please help me further? Thanks! Tiffany.

Sorry I am out of ideas, but I am not giving up.

Is there perhaps anyway for me to changed the key which triggers the console to something easier, for example the ‘C’ key?

Is there perhaps anyway for me to changed the key which triggers the console to something easier, for example the 'C' key?

“Home” key was chosen for the purpose of uniformity and avoidance of confusion!

Make sure you see CTM’s bootup-console flash-screen when you press the keys (Not Before or After).

There is some keyboard remapping programs available, but I can’t recommend any in particular because I have never used any of them.
If you do consider such programs please use caution and do some Google search research first.

The only other key combination that I have come across was Command+Function+left arrow.