Where Will The Definitions Be Saved? I Want To Back Them Up For Next Time.

I want to download the latest .cav definition file for CCE, and I’ve figured out that it can be done by initiating a custom memory scan that doesn’t scan for viruses (I don’t yet know what that means). As expected, it’s a LARGE download, and I don’t want to waste the bandwidth downloading it unless it’s going to be saved somewhere that I can access, as I plan to backup it up for future importing. I don’t currently need CCE I’m just testing it out. Aside from the difficultly of obtaining the definitions, my first impression of CCE is wow, me likes!

You can download the latest full database following Where can i download the latest full AV database?.

You would still need to get the incrimental ones after the download but that’s only several Megabytes. Of course you can also copy the bxxxxxxx.cav from the Scanners folder from CIS.