Killswitch Debug not working

When I try to use the killswitch debug I get an error message that says operation failed. I have tried to use it to debug firefox and this is the error message I get: Error (firefox):{Operatio Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful. I am running Comodo Firewall 6.2 on an HP compaq nc6400 laptop and my OS is Windows XP. Is the debugger disabled in the free version?

I tried to debug FF and a couple of other programs on my Windows 7 and it failed on all counts.

Not sure what’s going on. Can other people try and report back?

Debugger should installed on your computer.

I have Drwtsn32.exe installed on my computer, is there another debugger that I should install.

You should install a debugger that registers itself at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug. for example, windbg or Visual Studio

As I understand it Visual Studio cannot be installed on Windows XP (which is my OS) so in order to download windbg do I need to download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7? According to the Microsoft website the Windows 7 release of Debugging Tools for Windows supports Windows XP. I just want to make sure that I download the correct thing.

Do not need to download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7.
Install windbg on your xp system,then Click ‘win+r’ enter windbg path -I(eg:“c:\program files\Debugging Tools for windows(x64)\windbg.exe” -I), to set windbg default debugger.
After set windbg as default debugger, killswitch debug will works.

Where do I get the windbg to install on my system? I could not find a link online, do you know of a link?

And which link am I supposed to download from, the one that says Install Debugging Tools for Windows as a Standalone Component (from Windows SDK)? This will download sdksetup.exe and under system requirements it says:

The installation of the Windows SDK is supported on the following operating systems:

Windows 8
Windows Server 2012
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008 R2

This is not supported on Windows XP. Is there another link that I am not seeing? Sorry, you need to be very specific.

Try this one

OK I downloaded windbg and tried to use killswitch to debug IceDragon but I’m still getting an error message.

It says: Error (icedragon.exe): {Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful.

Do you set windbg as default debbuger?
Install windbg on your xp system,then Click ‘win+r’ enter windbg path -I(eg:“c:\programe files\Debugging Tools for windows(x64)\windbg.exe” -I), to set windbg default debugger.
After set windbg as default debugger, killswitch debug will works.

Where would I find win+r?

After installing wndbg I now have an icon on my start menu that I can click on to open the windbg console, but I can’t find win+r anywhere. There is a Ctrl+R (Connect to remote session) is that where I type the string? Or connect to remote stub? I tried both of these, neither of them worked.

win+r is a keyboard combination you press the windows button and the r button at the same time this will open a run dialog which is where flykite wants you to run the command he mentioned above

OK I did what flykite said and I keep getting an error message Windows cannot find 'C:Program" make sure you typed the name correctly, and try again. To search for a file click the start button and then click search. I used the browse option to find the file instead and it opened up the Windbg console. After that I tried debugging Firefox and I’m still getting the error message.

Error (firefox.exe): {Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful.

The version that I have installed is Debugging Tools for Windows(x86), I don’t know if that makes a difference.

I am able to use the Windbg console to debug firefox but if I try to use the debug option in killswitch then I get the error message.

Maybe you not set windbg as default debugger success.
Click start->Run.
Run “windbg path” -I.
example: “C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe” -I

I went to start → Run and I typed in C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe and pressed OK, it opened the windbg console window, and I tried to debug Firefox from killswitch and I still got the error message. As I said I am able to debug firefox from the windbg console, I just can’t debug from killswitch. I am even able to use windbg to debug killswitch, but killswitch will not debug anything. Could it be that there is a component missing? Is there a way to uninstall and reinstall killswitch?

Pls copy all the content to Run:

“C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe” -I

you lose the -I,so please try again, copy all the content directly to run.

I did as you said and I got a popup that said: Windbg was successfully installed as the default postmortem debugger.

I am now able to use the debugger in Killswitch, thank you!!

Thank you very much Flykite!!