Custom profile duplicates and won't save schedule

Hi all, could do with some advice on Comodo Backup 4.3.9

When I create a custom backup to a network drive and save it as say, “music” it shows in shortcuts as, “music” as you would expect. Then I click on the clock symbol to schedule a daily backup and save the change. Then a duplicate custom profile appears in shortcuts although this time it is called , “music to network location” or “itunes to network location” if, “itunes” was the original folder name.

So I now have 2 custom profile and when I go into them, neither have the schedule I saved, they both revert to backup once at the current time.

So how do I save my specified schedule with just one custom profile?

Thanks in advance.


Am having the same problem. Using Comodo Backup

Created a backup profile called ‘docs’. Under ‘profiles’ I click on the clock icon and I set a daily schedule. When I ‘save schedule’ I see 2 profiles - a new one called ‘Documents to My Computer’ and the original one called ‘docs’. When I click on the clock icons on each of the profiles, looks like the schedules aren’t set.

Looks like a bug; would have expected the ‘docs’ profile to be updated with the schedule settings.

Can anyone assist?


hi – can any of the Comodo experts confirm the behavior? How should I be creating schedules?


I experienced the exact same problem with 4.4.1.

The same thing happens. The name of the profile in Comodo Backup 4.4.1 is taken from the first specified directory for archiving. I, as a user cannot determine the name of the profile.

Same problem here. Did anyone find a solution? Very frustrating.