[PENDING] Wishlist: Support for MySQL

It would be nice if CESM could create Groups, sub-Groups, subsub-Groups and so on…
But it would also be nice to make each Group independent by assigning each group a different database.

Using MSSQLExpress allows each database to have up to 10GB of storage. At the moment, that limits a CESM customer. If CESM allows to create Groups and assign a different database for each Group, there will be no need to purchase a MSSQL Server :wink:

Am I wrong?


Sub-groups are in the roadmap already but as far as SQL goes, you can only run one instance of SQL on a host. You can have as many databases as you please inside that SQL instance but they still may not total more than 10GB, that’s why MS SQL Express is free.

What we will be doing in the future is using MySQL instead.


MUCH BETTER! Thank you.
Please also provide a migration tool from MSSQL to MySQL for all those of us who are using MSSQL already.