HELP, FAQs and Guides

Please read the relevant help files, FAQ or Guide before posting a help issue. These are listed below:

FAQs and guides
Detailed FAQ Ver 5.x, 6.x
Introduction to the Sandbox Ver 5.x, 6.x.
Making Programs (inc security programs) work with CIS. Both versions.
Configuration guides (some are outdated): 3.x - 6.x.

Official help files/manuals version 6
Sandbox tasks Ver: 6.0.
Defence+ (inc Sandbox) settings: 6.0.
There is no Defence + tasks section

Official help files/manuals versions 4 through 5
Please note that the material on the sandbox is somewhat misleading in these help files:
Defense+ Manual Ver: 5.4 or 5.3 or 5.1 or 4.1 [HTML Format]
Sandbox Manual Ver: 5.4 or 5.3 or 5.1 or 4.1 [HTML Format]
For 4.0 or below press F1 Key While Navigating Through CIS

Update of help materials to CIS 6.0
I will be progressively creating and updating a set of 6.x help materials. My apologies for the inconvenience while I do this, but I think we have all been caught on the back foot by its sudden appearance.

For the moment please note that version 5.x help material will be noted thus [v5].

As I review these I may find some that apply pretty well to versions 5 and 6, maybe only in need of light adjustment to allow this, these will be denoted thus [v5/6]

New materials for version 6.0 will either indicate this in the title or be denoted thus [v6]

Materials fully suitable for both will be noted as either a) [v5] [v6] or b) will have no version indicator.

Materials that are being updated may change on each view, my apologies for the confusion. They will be denoted as ‘BEING UPDATED’.

Best wishes

