why CRD require the 546MB disk space?

minimum requirement disk space 546MB? I want to know why … Huh (my memory stic is 492M)

Drweb(240M), Kaspersky(280M), F-secure(140M) Rescue DIsk is Ok!

i cant write to USB memory.
comodo_rescue_disk_2.0.275239.1 (MD5:AB796907DF83FEA76869EE585999C7A3)
comodo_rescue_disk_2.0.261647.1 (MD5:92666A4FB75ADECFD4CBD70B22E5254C)

but, CIS direct downloaded file “crd.iso (MD5:DD8A7CE87854C141532903996C43F02F, CRD 1.1.232326.14 old version)” is can write. no problem.

and Why different the received file from the two places (CIS direct and Forum,Site)? Please do not confuse the user.

PS. i reported to the CIS wishlist

about Rescue Disk error message. - https://forums.comodo.com/wishlist-cis/about-rescue-disk-error-message-t94249.0.htm

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