LoginPro Connection Error [merged topic]

Here is the error I get. Win7 Pro 64 bit, behind a router:

Could not connect to remote service [rmi://]; nested exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
Jva.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

Can anyone help??

Why do I think it has something to do with Windows User’s privileges?
With Microsoft’s RD, you have to supply a User Name and PW that correlates to one of the Users. Where in LoginPro do I specify that??

A similar problem.

Tried on two computers. Both failed.
Windows 7
Windows 2008 R2

I’m getting this error on several computers after I select the computer to control:

Could not connect to remote service
[rmi://]; nested exception is
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;
nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused.

The Comodo server seems to be blocking/refusing access.



I Have the same situation - Windows 8 - please help!
Thank you!

Me too ;D ;D ;D ;D
P/S: OS Win 8 Enter 64bit

Same issue here. OS is Server 2008 R2

bump !

Same problem. Guess nobody looks at this stuff that has an answer. There is a similar post that goes further back than this one.

Comodo do something about this.
If it’s common problem then turn off the service, but whatever the cause not answering a question get’s you on bad reputation.

Can I ask if ANYONE actually has this working? My feeling this functionality is turned off (or has never been turned on) since the error seems to point to the loginpro server ( refusing connections. Since it doesn’t use any complex java functionality or flash it’s unlikely to be anything in the browser.

I dont know the reasons - but I dont think we can complain too much - loginpro is free - and I use the thick client version for a number of connections - and it works fine… like it …

but it would be good to see html5 remote control … :slight_smile:

I for one would happily pay for the functionality and host my own remote control sessions on my own site…