Cannot have it working

I’m on Mac, I live in China. I just downloaded Comodo and I have the following issues.

  • On the left I got the message saying “The virus scanner is not working properly” and when clciking on “Run Diagnostics” I got my my password asked but when I add it nothing happens, the window just closes…

  • I cannot update the virus database. Sometimes it starts downloading and then it always stops, the highest I got was a 22% download. It says it can take several minutes but nothing happens afterwards. I tried with and without the VPN, in both cases it gets stuck.

  • I managed to download a file called, but I have no idea how or where to upload it.

  • trying to Run a Scan, I select “My Computer”, click “Scan”, and then nothing happens, the programme doesn’t respond.

Thanks for help in getting this working…

I’m having the same issue.

The virus scanner is not functioning properly! (Run Diagnostics) on the left panel, click on it, nothing. Run a scan, nothing.

Please help…