Bags with Movist when Comodo Antivirus Mode is On Access. And language bags.

1st bag. When I use Movist (videoplayer) in fullscreen mode and CAV Mode is on access I can’t switch Movist in normal mode (non-fullscreen), I can’t stop or pause Movist. My computer hangs, but movie goes on.
When I switch CAV Mode in disable Movist works well.
2nd bag. When I choose Russian language in CAV settings (and during installation), CAV switches in Romanian language (it’s one line above). It cause if I want to use Russian language I need choose Slovak (it’s one line below then Russian)

I also found this error in the choice of language. To perform basic work it is no effect, but it spoils the overall impression of the product version for Mac OS. As well as the quality of translation in general is not very good, many labels do not fit in their assigned fields. If this will be fixed, then Comodo will continue to be the best free antivirus software.