It had to happen...ASG goes LDAP friendly

Greetings all,

Yes, as the title says, ASG can now import your user accounts directly from your Active Directory or LDAP server.

Simply browse to the ‘Account Management’ section of your domains control panel and select the ‘LDAP import configuration’. Supply the publically accessible Hostname or IP address of your AD/LDAP server (please ensure that your firewall restrictions allow access to only our server at and supply port 389 for LDAP or port 3268 if you have an MS Exchange server running as a GC.

We would recommend creating an ASG user account in your LDAP/AD structure with strict read-only rights and use this as the LDAP login name and password as required in ‘Login/Query settings’ in your ASG console.

Supply the BaseDN of your LDAP/AD (you can get this by running ‘dsquery user’ in a command prompt on your Windows servers) and ensure your filters are pulling your mail-enabled user accounts.

Note: By all means select the checkbox “Allow CASG to create user accounts as found on LDAP server” - keep an eye on your licensing limitations though


if you select “Allow CASG to delete user accounts not found on LDAP server” any user accounts that have been manually entered in the ASG User list that are not on your LDAP/AD server will be deleted.

If you need to keep non-LDAP/AD user accounts please ensure you have added them under “LDAP import ignore list” before you synchronize ASG and your LDAP/AD user accounts.

Hit the ‘Test Connection’ button and if all is as it should be you will receive a notification that the test was successful. All you then need to is click ‘Save and run synchronization now’ and ASG will do its thing.

If this is the first you have heard of ASG, please help yourself to a ‘freebie’ version here Anti-spam | Cloud Based Spam Email Filter Security from Comodo - 2019

Chat again soon…

Your friendly, neighborhood product manager (with apologies and respects to Stan Lee),