Various Facebook FlashPlayer Games are either not working or not working right

Various Facebook FlashPlayer Games are either not working or not working properly With Dragon today.

Hatchlings will not load with Dragon but loads perfectly with CoolNovo or Chrome.

Gardens of Time will not post to wall or submit requests with Dragon and again works perfectly with CoolNovo and Chrome.

Blackwood and Bell with not popup wall posts. Works perfectly with CoolNovo and Chrome.

Zoo World will also not popup post to wall posts with Dragon but works perfectly with Chrome and CoolNovo.

Latest Dragon Version
Latest Flash Player Version: 11,8,800,94

I have tried switching off Secure DNS and Malware options to no avail.

captainsticks suggested disabling PrivDog which I did and all the above games work perfectly.

Additionally Scrabble, which has not worked for weeks in Dragon, now works again.

Thank you for feedback.

We will look at problem as fast as it possible.

Adding to the exceptions in PrivDog does seem to fix the issue as well.

Hi TheDukeUK

Please, try remove from your exception list and give us feedback about current situation. We tryed to fix this problem, and for us it works fine now. E.g. game Hatchlings loaded right.

Thank you it does look to be fixed.