if close during loading the site contains ads, privdog has crashed.

replicate step

  1. PrivDog + lasted Icedragon(firefox), + Dragon(Chrome)
  2. Config is default. (check ‘Deliver TrustedAds from AdTrustMedia’)
  3. connect the site contains ads (treated by AdTrustMedia)
  4. when loading the site, close the site. (*point)
  5. Error will occur.
    firefox(icedragon) show the adtrustmedia related pages. ex) trustedads.adtrustmedia.com/~~~~
    Chrome (dragon) show “Privdog has crashed.~~~” popup message.

video - - YouTube

Hi savit!
I am testing this case. Thank you!

This issue is still appears. (Firefox 28 + Privdog

ex) http://trustedads.adtrustmedia.com/adshow?unit=087A

Hi savit!
thank you for the feedback!!!
Could you please write the site?
Because I have tested but this bug was not reproduced