Please Show your SUPPORT for COMODO by voting on these sites... thanks..

i support Comodo :slight_smile:

i support Comodo :wink:

Voted :wink:

;Dmy vote is done.go comodo.

I’m currently running the full sweet of comodo products an if there are speed issue I can’t find ant

my vote is in.just like a general election lol. i voted comodo of course. :a0 :comodorocks:

I use to be a Zone Alarm fan till
I built a new computer and needed a full fire wall fast and saw in Maxium PC about Comodo fire wall
and not bad not bad at all

Only thing I kind of miss is the fire wall block that shuts down all access when computer ISP not used by a user time set

i voted just now…

Thanks the comodo firewall. It is really good. I voted. Thank comodo company again. :-TU

i vote 5 stars

Hey Melih

Just keep doing what you do

always present, always looking ahead, always knowing and addressing the real problems, and it’ll automatically
appeal to people moral values to support you …

man, I had never supported an apps company the way I support you

simply because you CARE , " the best bundle of free security products ever existed " not everyone can buy …
and that you guys know the future of internet security , not just a vision, it’s a road map , and everyone knows that, … something I can’t really see in other vendors …


Thank you NobleArab. I really appreciate the kind words.


My vote of course also went to Comodo, the best security programming there is :slight_smile:

Best regards, James

I am voting on a regular interval… >:-D >:-D

Comodo rockzzz

Just voted! Also recently reinstalled a friend’s OS on his laptop and added Comodo Firewall, Cloud Scanner, Time Machine, and Backup to their machine–I found all useful on my own system! Cloud Scanner caught several Windows Explorer crashes that previously would cause my 32-bit XP (SP3) machine to freeze–I was impressed and amazed when I saw it in action!

How often can I vote at Matousec: ( ? I’ve voted twice - one vote one day. Then for two days there is no checkbox - may be something wrong?

Dear Melih, why only CF link in pcmag site? I think you should update your first post on this thread and add also links for CIS and CAV reviews, with explanation that COMODO supporters can register at pcmag and write their opinions on COMODO and mark their vote (in stars).

I specially liked the comodo firewall. Its awesome. But I use avira antivir for viruses and malwares. Sorry. But you have my vote for being excellent on what you do. :wink:

I regularly vote at matousec and wrote users reviews at pcmag. Some already published - CF, CAV. One is pending - CIS.

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