How to Report Malware or False Positives to Multiple Antivirus Vendors

Thank you. I have updated the article.

I have got the error message after sending samples to submission via e-mail.
I think they changed their sample submission mail adress.
e-mail’s does not work listed below…

Delivery to the following recipients failed

Please update the .txt file in the first message of this topic


I just tested this by submitting a 400kB file. The only failure I had was from novirusthanks, which strangely enough worked for you.

Perhaps what happened is that the file you were submitting was too big. Many of the services have a very small maximum file size they will allow. Otherwise it will be bounced back. Please try with a file size smaller than 1MB and let me know if you still experience these problems. Also, let me know if it’s bounced back from novirusthanks for you as well.


I submitted the files yesterday and I get this error message today :wink:

I think you will get the delivery error mail after a while :-TU

I still have not gotten any more error messages. Can you please let me know roughly how long after submitting the sample you got the emails?


I got the error e-mail in one day…

But I will try with the under 1MB file, and I will inform you here

still the same I sent them a 300KB file and this ones are answered me back like this I attached screenshot of them …
please check them Chiron thanks…

[attachment deleted by admin]

Please check to make sure that for those vendors you are not attaching a zip file when in fact they require a 7z file. Is that what is going on?


Hello Chiron this is inform to you. AVG mail service does not work! ( )

They stopped any email malware submission ?

IDK another mail service maybe works but this one is no longer available…it seems like that

I did a brief search and could not find any reference to another email address. Their FAQ just directs users to the web interface. Thus, I removed the email submission for AVG from the article. If anyone is able to find an email address to which malware can be sent please let me know. Until then I’ll assume there is no longer an email submission option.


Thanks Chiron

I guess they stopped because of low activity. Also, many mail clients won’t let you upload, even password protected :-\

Hi, can you tell me the url adress where to send a file for analysis?
in the past you give me this link but I dont remember , sorry.
it was a site where the file has been scanned by 50 antivirus. thanks.

url with a short name, not valkyrie, I dont remember :frowning:

Do you mean VirusTotal ?

oh yes!!! I warmly thank you!!!

You’re welcome :wink:

Digital Defender “Online Malware Submission” is not work !
Just inform to you.

Thank you. I’ve fixed the link in the article.