Dragon 33 - Flash Player issues workaround!

Maybe dragon should enable pepperflash as deafult after install?

Or is adobe flash better?

I think there are licensing issues with that, but I’m not sure.

Hi! Newbie here!

I’m going to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash

But the folder is empty…

Hi n00boxular,
Look in the following locations.
64-bit systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\34.0.1847.131\PepperFlash

32-bit systems: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\34.0.1847.131\PepperFlash

Kind regards.

This fix didn’t work for me at first but after I removed this part “–ppapi-flashversion=” it started to work for me. If anyone has trouble getting this to work try that and you should be alright. There’s still a problem though. The good news is that there are no more crashes but the not so good news is that the videos that would cause Comodo Dragon to crash don’t play at all now. Usually Instagram videos and embedded Soundcloud links would cause it to crash but now I can’t even get them to play. I can watch Youtube videos/embeds with no problem and listen to music on the main Soundcloud site but for some reason embeds aren’t playing. If you have a fix for this please let me know but thank you for this temporary workaround.

Thanks, found it and the fix worked.

That is good to hear. :-TU

Hi CDuser389,
The trouble with the version number added is, that it has to be accurate.
It does appear to work correctly like you say without adding the version to the switch now, which was not always the case as far as I know.
I haven’t seen any negative affects from removing it. :-TU

Thanks for the information.

This fix didn’t work for me. Now I get a message saying “Could not load Shockwave Flash”. Did anyone else have this issue, or does anyone know where I need to go from here?

Shockwave Flash crashes with the dumb jigsaw puzzle piece in the middle of the screen, & no solution, when I go to the TED site & try to play any video!

I used the workaround…

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe” --ppapi-flash-path=“C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\34.0.1847.131\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll”

but it didn’t work.

When I click the play button the video area loads to black with the word ‘Loading’ in white, in the middle of the black area, but the video never loads !

It also failed with the suggested switch… “–ppapi-flashversion=”

A working solution would be great !

My PC is Win7pro 64 bit SSD 8GB RAM.

Hi Kuinra and huntsman,
Make sure the path to the ‘pepflashplayer.dll’ is exactly correct.
This includes Chrome’s version number listed in the path, which will vary depending on the installed version.

Note: You can copy/paste the ‘pepflashplayer.dll’ to almost any preferred location along as the path points to it.

Kind regards.

Hi & thanks captainsticks for the advice…It didn’t help tho !

The path to the ‘pepflashplayer.dll’ is aok. If it was incorrect other utubes would also fail to load.

Flash works on all other utubes I’ve tried, it’s running HTML5 but all I can get on TED.com is a black screen where the video should play. I tried both the old & new TED options. I suspect it’s a problem with my installation, but the solution alludes me. I’m starting to suspect the AMD Radeon HD5570 display controller software which was updated about the same time as flash stopped working on TED, just a guess tho. My next option will be to roll the driver back, if Win7 has kept a copy.

I have reinstalled CD, several times & flash from adobe which is disabled, & pepflashplayer is working, but having checked all the settings, still can’t get TED to display any video. except a black screen when it starts to load the video??

I’m out of ideas at present ! does anyone have any other thoughts ?

Same thing here. The PepperFlash workaround made things slightly better, but there are still significant problems in some embedded Flash-based video players and with Flash games. Unfortunately for Comodo I think they’re victims of their own success- having been so satisfied with Dragon up until now the fact that this broken version (the Flash problems, translation problems, etc.) got released is really getting on my nerves. Anyone know if we can expect to see an actual update any time soon, or should I just find another browser?

spacemanspiff4455 it doesn’t get any better !

Comodo have been having problem with CD for months.
I spend more time fixing CD problems with my customers, than I care to think about. I’ve just switched to Firefox & it works OK…
The moderators try to help. I don’t think they have a close relationship with the CD support staff. If they do, it’s not obvious!

Comodo support rarely ever contribute to these Dragon Forum conversations and don’t expect any date for an update… they never tell. You get the feeling it comes from deep space! I don’t think Comodo give CD any priority, probably because it’s free, maybe they don’t care about the browser competition ? The translation fix is a case in point…been weeks now! Just one example.

Not constructive but where else can we air our thoughts ? Like I said…it doesn’t get any better!

just tried Chrome & it also fails on TED.
Looks like FF is the go…
I won’t use IE, it also has a nasty security bug.

Videos on ted.com play for me, using Chrome 35.0.1916.86 with PepperFlash on Ubuntu 14.04.

Hi JoWa, thanks but

My Win7pro with Chrome Version 34.0.1847.131 m & either Adobe flash/chrome flash or PepperFlash will not play TED.
BTW Chrome tells me it is UP TO DATE with the above rev ! FF runs just fine.

Hi huntsman,

I tried with another computer with W7 64-bit and Chrome 34.0.1847.131, and videos play there too. Actually, at first try, there was only black, as you described. Maybe you just need to give it one more try (reload the page). And make sure cookies from ted.com are allowed.
And yes, your Chrome is up to date; 34.0.1847.131 is the latest stable version (I use beta). :wink:

Where is this “ASAP” update? It’s been several days already!!

Hi huntsman,
I found some inconsistent loading of ted.com, it would load video’s correctly sometimes and not others.

After adding ted.com to PrivDogs exceptions list it loaded video’s correctly every time, using either Flash.
This particular site looks like a PrivDog issue/conflict and not a Flash issue at all.
Try adding ted.com to PrivDogs exception list and to any other blocking 3rd party extensions.

Kind regards.

Thanks captainsticks,
I don’t use PrivDog but I do use Adblock Plus. I’ll use your suggestion & see how it goes. I’ll also make sure cookies are allowed as JoWa suggests. Have to go out to a customer. Will let you know later, if these suggestions help.

forgot to mention also (another subject/problem for others). Comodo is still only offering CD V29 on the web site, anyone hoping to get a clean update has to install V29 & then wait for CD to auto update, assuming the function is on in settings. Comodo should update their web site to correct this for those who don’t understand what’s going on!