Discussion about reduction in size of AV database

Latest Database Version: 16355
Release Date (all times GMT): 31-May-2013 20:59:58
Number of Definitions Added Today: 35455
Total Definitions: 19709993

Looks like we’re getting very close to the BIG 20 soon :wink:

Hopefully they will then start to reduce using generic’s to get closer to the SMALL 10 ;D

It may sound coool to hit the BIG 20, but in practice this not as good as it sounds, there needs to be a balance within the database of detecting a single piece of malware with one signature, and using something like a generic signature to detect variants or families of malware :-TU

To explain it more simplle and easy as I can, a single signature may only catch a single piece of malware, but has lower false positive potential, with generic signatures you can catch variants or families so will catch more malware with a single signature, but at the cost of increased false positives, there for need a balance, also in practice generics tend to increase difficulty of fixing a false positive, so Comodo needs to find a good balance :slight_smile:

Just like to thank the devs and the guys at Comodo’s av lab for doing an awesome job :-TU

Totally agree with you, but I’m afraid will take some time till we see this balance implemented. So is a long shot :-\

I think they are doing a great job, the av is coming along nicely, so is the database and other technologies Comodo has been working on over the years, comparing the first av (v3 ?) to the one in v6 is like chalk and cheese, and is nice to see each version improve, has been a wonderful ride to take with Comodo 8)

Is good to see every element of CIS not just hold its own, but even beat the competition, including the av part too :slight_smile:

I hope to see Daisy working hard soon to reduce the database size and improve detection further with generic signatures too ;D

Here I’m with you :slight_smile:
The av is stronger then v3, and with every release is getting better, as for generic let’s hope :a0

Words from the prophet… :smiley:

Is a cleanup on the horizon ???

Indeed the malware database is getting quite large.
However the core detection of the av engine is what is paramount for improving.
I am not saying the comodo av is bad at detection,in fact from my personal experience it seems quite solid.

But having the biggest database in the world seems quite meaningless if the core av engine cannot detect the majority of them.


While I agree that the database needs to be reduced in size, it’s not really what is in the database that matters. All the major AV vendors will be more or less equally up to date on detection of known malware. It’s the new , unknown as yet, stuff that you really need to worry about and Comodo will stop nearly all of that in it’s tracks. More than any other product that I know of.

It would be nice for comodo to have a more generic database soon. It would make the DB smaller which would satisfy several users.

I fixed your quote.Eric

A smaller database will also help to lessen system load.

now cis virus data base signature is 146 mb which is too big now for slow net connection users. please try to do something. :embarassed:

if it continues and increase the data base signature file (which is 146 mb now) then one day will come when most of the users will stop to using cis. :cry: :-TD

Why stop using CIS? You could just uninstall the anti-virus part but keep the rest.

i just like to use their entire cis.

;D … 55 M users ? How many of them even know that CIS has 19 M sign ? Please do make sense to your sentence. Maybe you and 2/3 ppl will stop using AV part but not “most of the users”.

only time will tell us that how many will use it (antivirus part only due to too big data base file) and how many will not use it. i think you don’t have slow net connection.people with slow net connection will understand it.

Latest Database Version: 16384
Release Date (all times GMT): 5-Jun-2013 23:00:10
Number of Definitions Added Today: 32905
Total Definitions: 19986298

I reckon the next update will hit the BIG 20 :rocks: :■■■■ :■■■■

Latest Database Version:16385
Release Date (all times GMT):6-Jun-2013 02:59:52
Number of Definitions Added Today:41528
Total Definitions:19999349

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

■■■■ :o we’re sooo darn close ;D ;D