Cool stuff!

Assuming you guys had it in the first, which I’m beginning to strongly doubt… I think you’ve all lost it.


You’ve only lost it if you had it in the first place! LOL

ROFL! , well said! :smiley: We are like the old 7up commercials, never had it, never will. (:TNG)


You guys begining to show off your age…

To become old and wise you must first be young and stupid.

We are - we were.

Your call which way around!

Besides, a man is only as old as the woman he feels. (Groucho Marx). I DARE you to take on my wife! LOL

Ewen :slight_smile:

LOLLLL. That makes me younger then? Cool! And what does he mean showing our age? We act far younger than that! My wife is always telling me to act my age! Now where are my teeth…


(:LGH) (:LGH) (:LGH)

Marg tells me to act my age, not my shoe size! LOL

ROFL, my wife would like me to at least act my shoe size, and I have small feet! My 18 month old girl just told me to grow up, now it’s getting personal!


OMG! She can talk!?
I need to teach my 17 month old girl some serious language now.
…afterward, I’m goin’ to pm you her first yapity-yapidoo!

Actually yes she does and has been saying words since 6 months. She didn’t say grow up, loll. She says all sorts of sentences, sings full songs from Dora> god help me> and dances like she’s had lessons, loves music, sings other songs etc… she is very smart. Although I find just because kids do things early, doesn’t mean they will be that smart when they get older. My 14 year old would be a great example, loll. At his age, the blood isn’t getting to the brain any longer. A problem seems potty training and happened yesterday. Since I have two boys that can’t close a door to save their life, the little one used the potty chair but decided to stand there, push forward and peed standing up and then clapped her hands. Surprisingly she hit it better than the boys, lollll. But how do you not tell them good job but correct her at the same time? So I did what any father would do, laughed my rear off! All my wife’s teachings have (no pun intended) gone down the toilet. After raising two boys, this is a challenge for sure! :wink:



…and you can still find your free time to write all of this stuff!
HA…HA…HA… ;D Unbelieveable!

…feel sorry for your wife, tho’.

If you were in my house, you would see me sneak quietly over to the keyboard, good thing I type 60 wpm, and quickly throw something in, run after the little one, run back to post, run the other way, clean the table, type some more, go vaccum , type quickly, lolll. My wife slept all day mostly and I had the house clean and the little one was playing in her room, I couldn’t believe it. So that gave me some time today. But when I go back to work \school again monday, you won’t see me on here too much :-\ Yes, I know, lucky you! :smiley:



I know this thread hasn’t been used in a while, but I saw this link and have a question…

Kail, have you used any of the themes off Interfacelift? If so, can you give me some pointers on how to get them to work? I dl’d and installed NeoWin’s patch, along w/some themes. I unpacked and copied the themes to windows/resources/themes, changing the folder name to match the visual file name. All of the visual theme files are *.msstyles, per the file manager. (In accordance w/IFL’s instructions). Windows only recognized one, and when I “applied” it, I saw no change in Windows at all, other than my Dharma Initiative wallpaper was removed from the desktop.

TNX if you can help.


Maybe the patch didn’t succeed…
Did you reboot right after applying the patch? (UXTHEME.DLL)

Yes, it prompted to reboot, which I did. I’m trying to work my way thru NeoWin’s FAQs on it, but I keep encountering difficulties. For instance, they said to search out the .dll to make sure there aren’t multiple copies. It took 15 minutes to find anything, and was still searching, but froze - it’s done this twice. Yet in looking at Task Mgr (not the best, I agree, but it’s what I have), no excess resources are in use. But the system’s frozen in time, and eventually reboots itself.

Also, their FAQs (dated 7/3/05) talk about installing something called Replacer, and working from the cmd prompt, then rebooting at the end. But the app I downloaded from their forum, UXTheme Multi-Patcher (Neowin Edition) 4.0, made no mention of any of that on installation.

Maybe I’m missing something…?

You should just run it, and it should work.
I haven’t actually tried this myself… ::slight_smile:

One thing that cross my mind, is that windows protects those files, but they have thought about that i’m sure… That’s why you have to reboot.

If there is a problem with that, you should unlock the files before running the patch-program.
Download “Unlocker” (freeware), install and right click, and unlock. That program is usefull if you get messages with “can’t rename/move/delete this file, because it is in use”.
I found uxtheme.dll in 3 places.
in system32
in system32\dllcache
in some uninstall directory.

It took me 1 sec to find them… no comp lock… :wink:
I use Locate32 (freeware)
It’s really fast… It found 33000 jpg files in 4 seconds! That would be 4 days with windows search.
It found 19000 raw files in 2 sec. 9000 tif files in 1 sec. I highly recommend it.

In short. I have no clue in your problem, but at least you have got a couple of tips on great free programs… ;D

Thanks for the freebies, I appreciate it. I think they’re all in the Useful Free Programs thread, aren’t they? I gotta get those tomorrow.

Here’s the problem - apparently v4.0 of the Multi-Patcher was somewhat defective - I found some stuff on their forum where it would only support SP1 and earlier. That’s why they had the manual method posted, using Replacer. They also suggested renaming the original to uxtheme.dll.old and then pasting the new one into the Win32 folder. I tried that but it didn’t work either. Maybe 'cuz it was locked. Windows never gave a warning on it, though…

Anyway, I finally found a v 5.0 from earlier this year on Softpedia, and got that. Worked like a champ. Also realized there was a user error in there as well (ie, ME) ~ Windows gave me a message about replacing a file, which I thought was the Patch doing it, so I indicated the wrong way, I think. Dunno, it was worded strange. ???

But now I’ve got my 3rd party themes, cool! Since I’m using the Orbit Blue theme for FF2 (my Black Japan Max is no longer any good…), this Repetoire theme is pretty cool; they look great together.

Kail, thanks for the IFL link; AOwl, thanks for the support, advice, and free proggies. I’m like a new man now!

:BNC :■■■■


I’m glad it worked out for you.
I’m using ShadowThunder I for the moment, in FF 2.
Energy blue theme in Windows.