COMODO Registry Cleaner Released!

This usually happens if System Restore is turned off. Could you please check this?

Yes, you can delete .bkp files. In case you really need them then use previous version to restore those backups.

Thank you. Please tell me what you think about this one.

I downloaded the portable version from Comodo’s website but it’s still the version, also after extracting, running the program and checking “About…”.


i would have to have explanations for each reg entry being deleted. for one thing, every time you run a reg cleaner in vista something goes wrong and you may not find out what it is til you go to access something a month later. as far as i am concerned none work. they only cause trouble

I don’t know what registry cleaners you have been running in Vista, but I have run Registry First Aid ever since Vista came out, without it creating any problems. Now I am running Comodo Registry Cleaner, once again without any problems in Vista Ultimate on 2 machines. Both these programs do a good job of getting rid of registry errors and helping the machines to run faster. They both have a list of unsafe registry entries that should not be removed, or should only be removed at your own risk. Registry First Aid lists some registry errors that are in areas of the registry that cannot be modified. Why they list those entries, I don’t really know. The difference between the two programs is that one costs (Registry First Aid) and the other one is free (Comodo Registry Cleaner). One program removes some registry errors that the other one doesn’t identify and vice-versa, but they both do a good job of cleaning the registry of entries that are no longer needed and slow down the machine.

CRC found over 100 more stuff then the latest Registry Mechnainc 8.0 (And not counting unsafe entries), PC Still fast and stable!

Good job Comodo. :-TU


ok. but i just don’t trust those reg cleaners. wish they could tell you exactly what they’re doing

and what do you mean by unsafe entries?

what is CDC?

what do mean?

i keep reading about cdc

I’ve never seen “cdc”, just CRC, which is Comodo Registry Cleaner.


You have these, and they all look like it ;D

Xan :slight_smile:

I can’t resist a little humor here. CDC most commonly stands for the Centers for Disease Control headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia U.S.A. It is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. It can also stand for the Citizens Development Corps or the Climate Diagnostic Center. Actually in relation to computers, it stands for Connected Device Configuration (CDC) HotSpot Implementation, which is a fully compliant, Java virtual machine that is highly optimized for resource-constrained devices, such as consumer products and embedded devices. You may regret having asked the question, now that you have much more information than you probably ever wanted or will ever need.

yeah. yeah. yeah. i know. but i swear i saw it on this thread more than once. i’m certain melih even mentioned it

You must’ve imagined it or remembered wrong. The only instance of CDC I see is here.

[attachment deleted by admin]

i guess so. melih said use crc and c?? to someone and i can’t find it now. must have been something else i guess.

i think it was CDS (Disk Shield). not sure though.

i did a search for melih and came up with nothing. this is disconcerting. he said something like if you used thed the two apps. it would be good or something. just can’t find it. not a big deal. everything is fine. just wanted to know what that other app was to try it.