COMODO Internet Security 7.0.317799.4142 Released!

Updated, all working well. Nice one Comodo.

Updated from GUI and all is well, Win7 Pro x64. Thanks Comodo!


Why is my download keep getting stuck at 4%?
Try using different browsers also same result. No issue with downloads form other sites.

Hi Drow,
Try clearing your browsing data and try disabling any 3rd party extensions.

Kind regards.

:-TU Upgrade went smooth without any probs. (:CLP) Thanks for the great Work

Let me join the chorus regarding especially the ease of updating from within the program. It seems that with release 7.0 CIS has finally become truly easy to use.

Reason why i cant update to none of the cis 7 ,my Microsoft games for windows cannot connect no matter what i try unless i close cis7, any help on getting this fix would be a great help.

Dear All,
it is not easy for me, because of my bad English, to explain what I happen. Practically for some application, for example sidebar of MS I do not receive any alert but it don’t start. Then if I apply some rules in FW or HIPS I have not good result. The solution is to put the application in the “File sicuri”. The same also for other simple application as “PowerManagerLite” or other. This is not a big problem but I think that it is strange. The same in different PC with WinXP - Win7 - Win8.1 UD1.

Thanks for your work

If it helps turn off the HIPS and turn on the auto-sandbox. This will be easier for you to use. :slight_smile:

Deathknight this a know bug that i made a bug report topic on it :

This is a bug present since Beta and was not corrected with final release, now with this mistake, multiple and novice users are experiencing this bug.
For now there are no solutions for a fix unless you uninstall CIS.

Please if you can tell that you experience the bug too in my bug report and tell how that happens for you, that would maybe help the developpers.



Thank you, Comodo staff, for the latest version. This is what software ought to be. I had a message telling me that my installation of CIS needed to be updated, I clicked on Ok, and now find I’m at version 7.X. No hassles, no tech-speak, no confusion. Just a very good application quietly doing what it is designed to without any fuss. So thank you, once again.

The only issue (to use a very expansive term) I have is that the update reset my configuration from ‘Proactive’ to ‘Active’ (or so I am led to believe). A quick look at the inestimable Chiron’s how-to notes, however, soon enabled me to sort that matter out. So, a request to the Comodo developers: could you, in future, set the default installation to ‘Proactive’ so as to permit sheer, absolutely non-technical people such as I to rest easy after updating the software? Or is there an issue with that approach?

Kind regards,

“File sicuri” = Trusted Files

i have new cis. i have icon on kiosk desktop (comodo desktop) i cant delete it. its not on my reg. decktop. any suggestions?

I got it fix but its not something that someone would have to go tru just to get it to work, should be allowing games for windows by default.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Are you referring to the widget? Click right on it and choose Widget from the context menu and disable it.

Looks like 7 needs to go back to beta. :frowning:

All software has bugs, unfortunately some remain even when the product is released.
This in no way means it is not being worked on and improved as we speak.

If we waited for bug free software, we would never see stable releases of any product. :wink:

hmmm end-up with blue screen on Windows 8.1 :-\ :-TD

Had you followed announcement threads for that last year or two, they usually jump to 10 or 20 pages of posts after only a few days, with lotsa comments and problems.

This release must be darn close to perfect for all the silence it has generated! :-TU